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A Page of Madness |
As regular readers of this
blog may remember, last month I
wrote about my experience of seeing A
Page of Madness for the first
time. In my post, I stated that I had
'been wondering if silent cinema somehow had a faster conduit to the inner
lives of its characters' and that there is 'something about the purity of the
medium when it was still silent, its use of a purely visual grammar, which
somehow opens up the soul of its characters in a way few modern films seem to
achieve'. In the comments of that post, unreceivedopinioin
pointed out that it was 'important to remember [that A Page of Madness] would have been
originally presented with a live benshi
commentary' and that 'silent film was rarely intended as a purely visual
experience'. I've been meaning to try and note down some thoughts on this topic
ever since then and, having attended a screening of Ozu's 1930 film Walk Cheerfully with live benshi
narration earlier this week, now seems like a good time.
I suppose a good place to
start would be to formulate the two pertinent questions that seem to spring
from the paragraph above:
1) Should the knowledge that
silent films were rarely silent affect the way we read/watch them?
2) Does the idea of benshi
narration (and other film announcers) take the emphasis off the visuals?
The first question, perhaps,
needs to be qualified and dismantled. To say that silent films were rarely
silent is perhaps as much of a simplification as calling them silent in the
first place. My understanding, such as it is, is that trends differed from
country to country, and even from cinema to cinema. Benshi narration, for
instance, was a (primarily) Japanese custom and rarely practised in the West
where, typically, larger theatres in bigger cities held orchestras, and smaller
venues had single pianists. This latter trend, it seems to me, is not so
different from the way silent films are still shown theatrically in the west today
(in the last year alone I've seen films presented with both a full orchestra
and a single pianist, and a number of permutations in between). And, let's not
forget, some films, such as Dreyer's The Passion of Joan of Arc, were designed
to be seen truly silent, with no accompaniment whatsoever. So, in this sense,
it then becomes a case of reformulating the question as: should the knowledge
that certain silent films were not originally presented silent affect the way
we read/watch those particular films?
To this, I think the answer
should perhaps be yes. I've only been privileged enough to see two films with
live benshi narration. The first experience left something to be desired, as
the narration was delivered in Japanese, and the lack of a rake in the venue's
seating proved problematic. The English delivery of the Walk Cheerfully narration, however, proved to be quite a different
experience. Perhaps the most telling reaction was from Pamela Hutchinson, who
runs Silent London, and who wrote the sleeve
notes for the BFI's recent DVD of the film.
For Pamela, who knew the film well before the screening, a new world of humour
opened up within it thanks to the benshi performance. Unfortunately, I hadn't
previously seen the film so can't comment with such certainty, but it did seem
to me that much of the screening's humour came from the performance, and not
from the film per se – and with this in mind, we can see relatively clearly
that the benshi narration changed the way the film played to an audience, and
even to one that was already familiar with the film. So, how then to reconcile
this with my reference to silent cinema as making 'use of a purely visual
It seems fitting to rethink
the screening of A Page of Madness,
and my reaction to it. With hindsight, I suspect that the narration would have
cleared up some of my confusion as to the film's narrative (which, it's worth
remembering, I praised, stating that 'the film, as a portrait of madness, seems
all the better – all the more effective – for the confusion'). Of course, A Page of Madness is something of an
extreme example, given that the film contains no intertitles. I also don't know
what the narration says, so it's possible that it would have only added to my confusion,
and/or to the sensory overload already present from the visuals alone. Furthermore,
without seeing A Page of Madness again
with the narration, it's impossible
to say to what extent that narration would detract from, or enhance, the film's
visual prowess.
And yet, whatever the case, it
does seem that the knowledge of the narration changes things – that by watching
the film without it, we may only be seeing half the story… Though perhaps not.
As much as the narration of Walk
Cheerfully altered the viewing experience,
I didn't get much sense that it altered the film
itself – the intertitles told us everything we needed to know that the other
visuals did not.
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Walk Cheerfully |
Perhaps unhelpfully for my
interests here, Walk Cheerfully wasn't
the most visually exciting film – especially when compared to A Page of Madness – which makes it
harder to comment on whether the presence of the narration de-emphasises the
visual aspects of the film. This got me wondering if I would have a different
opinion of the film's visuals if I had watched it without the narration, so I
decided to ask Pamela for a brief comment. And, while I was at it, I decided to
also ask her the two questions I formulated at the start of this post. Here's
what she said:
I said on the night, watching the film with an audience is always going to make
the jokes funnier, and the Benshi emphasised that, adding in her comments and
dialogue. She was very witty and expressive. As a fan of silent films, there
were times when I wished she didn't fill in all the gaps though. I'm used to
seeing a story told via meaningful looks and pithy dialogue – and it didn't add
anything to hear [the character] Kenji counting every penny into his friend's
hand, for example. In that way, the narration made me take the film far less
seriously. There are some gorgeous moments in that film and I think you miss
them if you're hearing "later that day" or "where is Kenji I
wonder?" over an Ozu pillow shot.
As regards your first question: you do
have to remember when you're watching a silent that there is the film itself,
the silent moving photographs and separate to that, the possibilities of
exhibition. A modern soundtrack can make you look at a film differently. If,
however, you were watching the film in a fleapit in 1905, with a film lecturer
and a pianist following a cue sheet of contemporary music, you would have had a
different experience, but not necessarily a more authentic one.
As far as the Benshi taking the
emphasis away from the visuals, there are two ways that can happen. Literally,
a lecturer's presence encourages your eyes to wander from the screen. More
importantly, narration risks being reductive: it's a shame in a well-made film
to shrink any one image to one meaning. An image of a teapot or a train in an
Ozu film means a lot more than "it's time for tea" or "the
trains are running".
So, it would seem, we do have
to acknowledge that hearing narration over a silent film does change the way we
read the film (for better or for worse). With this in mind, then, it seems that
unreceivedopinioin was right to suggest my reading of A Page of Madness was somewhat incomplete: it may have been the
correct subjective response to the version of the film that I saw, but – to an
extent – the version that I saw was also incomplete.
The problem of
'incompleteness', of course, is rife among silent films. Many of the great
works of the silent era remain only in incomplete versions, with new
restorations continually seeking to reinstate them to their former glory. In
this age of seeking out (striving for) such completeness, it seems interesting
that narration on silent films – in the west at least – is such a rare beast.
Would it really be that hard to record a film commentator and offer their
narration as an alternate audio track on a DVD? (Of all the DVDs in my
collection, I can only think of one which
has someone talking over it in such a way). But perhaps a recording would miss
the point. To return more specifically to the example of the Benshi – these
people were the rock stars of their day, and the live element seems crucial to their art. So perhaps this is yet
another element we need to throw into what is seemingly an increasingly complex
question (and perhaps one with no clear answer).
At the risk of ending on a
note totally tangential to the main thrust of this post, it does seem like
another issue has been raised in my ramblings here – and, seeing as it's
something else I've been thinking about since my discussions with unreceivedopinioin,
I hope you'll indulge me…
It seems that, in the modern
day, there's a real tendency to look at silent films as a single unit – call it
a genre, if you will. Why and when this has happened is perhaps difficult to
say, but it does seem (to me at least) that 'silents' are lumped together in
way that 'talkies' are not (though perhaps that's only true of English-language
talkies – you'd never say that you were 'off to see a talkie film', but I
suspect some might say 'I'm off to see a foreign-language film', thereby
lumping together everything that isn't English-language in one fell swoop). Here,
it seems, I should confess that I think my comments on A Page of Madness are as guilty of this as they are of overlooking
the absence of a Benshi. But the point I'm trying to make is that silent films
are as diverse as their talkie equivalents. There's always going to be a need
to group films together for the sake of scholarship, but I fear that silent
cinema is drawing the short straw here. As this post shows, silent films, and
their reception, are a dense, complicated landscape consisting of many
different elements worthy of detailed, individual study.
I suppose the question I would ask is, with the knowledge that Japanese silent film-makers had that their films would be accompanied by a Benshi, how does that affect the screenwriting and filming process. As big western releases were accompanied by scores, or scoring notes, were Benshi's given notes at the start. Were there pure improv Benshi's or did they prep excessively. I have very little idea how a Benshi would even work in A Page Of Madness.
Given that a Benshi would be doing improvised dialogue, the film-maker may aim for less ambiguity, since if the Benshi doesn't get the mood of a moment, they will confuse the entire audience.
I thought the screening was fantastic, eye-opening and equally potentially troubling in many of the ways you suggest. (It also made me wonder significantly why it wasn't done in the West - an actor/explainer would have been as cheap as a pianist).
Alex, your original response to 'A Page of Madness' was quite valid. It demonstrates the unique potency of the cinematic form. Less valid were any assertions or conclusions about 'silent film' drawn from that experience.
I suppose what I wanted to correct was the fallacy that films from this era were silent. They weren't. They were presented with musical accompaniment and - in Japan - with narration. In other languages they're known as 'mute' rather than silent, which is a much more appropriate description, I feel.
Incidentally, wasn't 'A Page of Madness' one of those films that were lost - for over half a century - the version recovered materially incomplete?
It is an amazing thing to behold.
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